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Dr. James Brady's Cave Archaeology Bibliography File (current as of October 2012)

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Portal to mythical Maya underworld found in Mexico by de Anda



Brady, James E.

1991 Caves and Cosmovision at Utatlan. California Anthropologist XVIII (1): 1-10.


Brady, James E.

2003 In My Hill, In My Valley: The Importance of Place in Ancient Maya Ritual. In Mesas and Cosmology in Mesoamerica, edited by Douglas Sharon, pp. 83-91. San Diego Museum Papers 42. San Diego Museum of Man, San Diego.


James E. Brady

2004 Constructed Landscapes: Exploring the Meaning and Significance of Recent Discoveries of Artificial Caves. Ketzalcalli 1:2-17.


Brady, James E., Allan Cobb, Sergio Garza and Robert Burnett

2003 Balam Na: Reporte Preliminar de la Investigación de una Cueva Asociada al Río Poxte, Poptun. Atlas Arqueológico de Guatemala Reporte 17, edited by Juan Pedro Laporte, pp. 131-157. Ministerio de Cultura y Deportes, Dirección General del Patrimonio Cultural y Natural, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala, Escuela de Historia, Area de Arqueología, Guatemala.


Griffith, Cameron S. and Sarah M. P. Jack

Monumental Modified Speleothem Sculpture: New Patterns in a Class of Ancient Maya Cave Art In Making Marks: Graduate Studies in Rock Art Research at the New Millennium Jennifer K.K. Huang and Elisabeth V. Culley, Editors. American Rock Art Research Association, 2005, pp. 1-16.


Helmke, Christophe G. B.; Jaime J. Awe y Cameron S. Griffith

2003     "El Arte Rupestre de Belice" En: Künne, Martin y Mattias Strecker (eds.): Arte Rupestre de México Oriental y Centro América. Indiana Beihefte, 16: 97-117. Berlin : Gebr. Mann Verlag.


Mirro, Michael J.

2007 The Political Appropriation of Caves in the Upper Belize Valley. Thesis - California State University, Los Angeles.


Morehart, Christopher T., Jaime J. Awe, Michael J. Mirro, Vannessa A. Owen, and Chistophe G. Helmke

2004 Ancient Textile Remains from Barton Creek Cave, Cayo District, Belize. Mexicon XXVI (3):50-56.


Ishihara, Reiko

2007 Bridging the Chasm Between Religion and Politics: Archaeological Investigations of the Grietas at the Late Classic Maya Site of Aguateca, Peten, Guatemala.Dissertation - Univeristy of California, Riverside .


Moyes, Holley

2006 The Sacred Landscape As A Political Resource: A Case Study Of Ancient Maya Cave Use At Chechem Ha Cave, Belize, Central America The Sacred Landscape As A Political Resource: A Case Study Of Ancient Maya Cave Use At Chechem Ha Cave, Belize, Central America.Dissertation - State University of New York at Buffalo.


Rincon Mautner, Carlos A.

1995. The Ñuiñe Codex from the Colossal Natural Bridge on the Ndaxagua: an Early Pictographic Text from the Coixtlahuaca Basin. Institute of Maya Studies Journal (Miami) 1(2): 39-66.

Rincon Mautner, Carlos A.

2005  The Pictographic Assemblage from the Colossal Natural Bridge on hte Ndaxagua, Coixthahuaca Basin, Northwestern Mixteca Alta of Oaxaca, Mexico. Ketzalcalli 2: 2-69.


Sayther, Terry, Debbie Harris, Allan Cobb

1998 Pictographic Rock Art in Actun Kaua, Yucatan, Mexico. American Indian Rock Art 22: 95-102.

Map of Actun Kaua courtesy of David McKenzie.

Scott, Ann Marie

2009 Communicating with the Sacred Earthscape: An Ethnoarchaeological Investigation of Kaqchikel Maya Ceremonies in Highland Guatemala. Dissertation - University of Texas Austin.